Home / How Bad Is To Have Carpenter Ants In Your Property?

How Bad Is To Have Carpenter Ants In Your Property?

Date: October 29, 2021 Post by: Admin

Ants are one of the most prevalent home-invading pests in Sydney, and they often make their way inside of homes or businesses. However, while all ants can be difficult to deal with because they are so invasive, some species cause particular problems such as property damage or health risks.

The carpenter ant is one of these species, and they are known for their ability to destroy wooden structures as they tunnel through them to build their nests. However, unlike termites, carpenter ants don’t eat wood but instead, clear it and push it out of their tunnels. These ants can ruin decks, flooring, outbuildings, and more, and the longer they are left alone, the more damage they can do.

In order to protect your property from carpenter ant damage, you first need to start with being able to identify them. Carpenter ants can look similar to other species with their dark brown or red to black colouring, but they also have a single node that attaches their thorax to their abdomen. They are a single species and grow to be a little over a half-inch in length.

Just How Big Of A Problem Are Carpenter Ants?

Carpenter ants can be a double threat because they both destroy property and also get into and contaminate food sources. All ants in the area will look for a variety of food items, and they will consume anything from protein to pet food to sugary items. Carpenter ants are no exception, and any food they get into will need to be thrown out. However, they aren’t known to spread any particular diseases.

The main concern with carpenter ants is the damage they can do. While termites generally do more damage as they are usually harder to identify at first, over time, carpenter ants can also cost property owners in thousands of dollars in repairs.

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Onsite Pest Solution has won multiple awards over the past 3 years for industrial and commercial pest control service offered in Sydney and surrounding suburbs. This continues to prove that we care about our clients and we can earn client’s satisfaction every single time we treat your home.